Mig Burgess Walsh

Creating a better culture towards mental Health and Well-being backstage 

We are taught as backstage workers that the "Show must go on!" We know the show WILL go on, but lets make sure its with a happy and healthy cast and crew.  Mig is a self declared mental health and well-being activist. She will talk more about her vision to create a better culture towards well-being backstage. 

Mig is the Co-Chair and Trustee of the Association of British Theatre Technicians (ABTT), a trustee of Backup Tech a charity for backstage workers in the entertainment industry and a Qualified Mental Health first aid instructor. She is also a Senior Lecturer at the Guildford School of acting part of the University of Surrey. Her research interests see her working on creative projects around mental health and well-being as well as developing better policies practice and guidance around well-being in the workplace in industry. She is still an active lighting technician and loves nothing more than being up a ladder with a light.